Friday, December 31, 2010


so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye.

After 12 months
34 blogposts

9,365 pageviews
(Blogger stats, each view is counted as a hit)
5409 visits from all around the world
(Clustermaps, each computer is counted only once over a 24 hour period of time)

Ms Beaker is putting away her goggles, hanging up her labcoat and shutting down her laptop.

Thank you to those of you who have followed and encouraged me along the way, both in person and in cyberspace, I have appreciated your comments and emails.

Here is an overview of how the year has gone

Audience (stats from Blogger stats)
United States 4450
New Zealand 834
United Kingdom 727
followed by Australia, Canada and India

Most popular blogposts
lateral, thinking and logic puzzles: Feb 3rd 2130 page views
end of term videos: July 1st 887 page views
periodic table problems: June 24th 737 page views
as well as learning stylesmoodling,  flash, bang, wow attention grabbers

Ms Beaker's version of Wikileaks
For legal reasons, this video was removed from all internet sites, except this blog!
Quiet Now Please: Aug 19th

what every parent should know 
moving with the times, Dec 30th 2009
learning styles: Feb 14th
mobiles in the classroom: March 17th
internet privacy: May 23rd
creativity is crucial: July 23rd
feedback: Nov 30th 
the apple of my eye: Dec 21st (absolutely essential reading for all parents)

rainy day activities
lateral thinking and logic puzzles: Feb 3rd
superpower: March 21st
weird and wonderful wonders: April 25th
end of term videos: July 1st
quiet now please: Aug 19th

blogposts with loose links to global news
moving with the times (future employers): Dec 30th 
social networking (Chilean Earthquake): Feb 28th
PD or PPD (Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption): April 19th
Eurovision song contest: May 28th
Football (World Cup 2010): June 10th
The great escape (Chilean miners): Oct14th
Climategate (global warming): Nov 7th

blogposts with an ICT theme
moodling: Feb 21st
social networking: Feb 28th
mobiles in the classroom: March 17th
superpower: March 21st
the ipad or back to the books: May 4th
me, myself and eye: Oct 24th
a picture is worth a thousand words: Oct 31st

useful teaching resources
flash, bang, wow attention grabbers: April 1st
PD or PPD: April 19th
water hydrant: May 12th
Eurovision song contest: May 28th
football: June 10th
periodic table problems: June 24th
end of term videos: July 1st
back to basics: July 16th
rocket scientist: Aug 9th
spring is in the air: Sept 1st
social networking (part 2): Sept 19th
crime scene investigation: Sept 30th
the great escape: Oct 14th
me, myself and eye: Oct 24th
burnt toast: Nov 18th
dry ice: Dec 16th
jeans: Dec 24th 
auld lang syne: Dec 29th

Most searched terms
alien periodic table
Merry men of Matterdom

I have many, many more resources to share and pass on, please email me at if you have any specific requests and at some stage in the future I may take a few minutes out of retirement to throw them up here.

Farewell.  Best wishes to you all for a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Ms Beaker

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